Our Global Awareness Programme, for schools, is an educational course, delivered in class and in Africa, which aims to develop responsible global citizens, by working with the communities we support from our permanent project bases across Africa.
Students are practically involved with real world solutions and can learn from and collaborate with our team of specialists, via live interactive calls, who live and work across these permanent bases, allowing students to learn through experience.
Our course, which has learning outcomes, such as critical thinking and communication skills, resilience and collaboration, supports the character education curriculum and PSHE Living in the Wider World Curriculum. Students can earn ASDAN curriculum credits, to support University applications.
The modules are designed to be delivered during a lesson or as an extra-curricular activity.
Because we run all our own programmes, we can offer real quality and purpose which contribute to our long-term goals and outcomes across Africa.
Our projects have been developed alongside local communities to ensure the work we do is sustainable, responsible, and relevant to the needs of these communities.
African Impact is an educational travel company which has been offering developmental programmes, including service-learning, volunteering, internships, and expeditions across Africa for over 15 years. We have offices in the UK and Africa.
This experience has led us to developing this educational course, which we wanted to make accessible for everyone.
Our programme has lifelong learning outcomes, such as critical thinking skills, problem solving, resilience and collaboration.
Our programme, which is ASDAN accredited, supports University applications and personal statements.
As Learning Outside The Classroom (LOTC) members, we believe Learning outside the classroom can help teachers create enthusiasm for learning and provide a real-world context. Evidence suggests students who experience learning outside the classroom benefit from increased self-esteem and become more engaged in their education.
This evidence also shows learning outside the classroom can help raise achievement, improve classroom behaviour, and improve the engagement of students, including those who are hard to engage in the classroom environment.
Safety of our students, groups and staff is our first priority on all our trips. We have robust safety management systems in place. Please see our full Safety protocols here.
AFRICAN IMPACT SALES AND MARKETING LIMITED: Company Number 13434590 © All rights reserved